Since working with clients and their personal spaces, I felt I was doing something different than "just" working with traditional Feng Shui. I deeply respect the wisdom that comes from Taoism in its purest form (as far as I can understand it as a Westerner). Yet I was born in a very different context in terms of culture, time and space. My cultural references are different from the masters who developed Feng Shui in the East for centuries.

The questions of our modern times are very different from those people experienced in the East about 4,000 years ago. The context of our modern times calls for a more contemporary approach.

At the same time, it is wise to cherish the deep wisdom that we can learn by studying and using the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. It is precisely during this time when we seem to be losing touch with nature that we can learn to sit still and reflect on our role in this universe, our point of view and our personal mission.

Our point of view is reflected in our home. Here we anchor. Some people are more nomadic than others and change homes quite often during their lives. Others remain in one place from birth to death. For most of us, it's probably somewhere in between.

Often a change of point of view reflects a profound transition and change in our lives. Whether we have to change cities or even countries for a new job, a new love or other reasons, or our personal circumstances change (a new phase of life, children are born, leaving home, the decision to separate and living alone or with a new partner, etc.), our physical point of view must also shift. Maybe we just feel the deep inner need to redecorate our current home, because we feel something in us wants to change, grow and develop.

I find it fascinating to guide customers in their journey. Reflect with them, ask questions and listen to the answers that come from the depths. To see them get creative, roll up their sleeves and actively change their lives! Sometimes by choosing a new home, a new place. Sometimes by thoroughly mucking out together. By giving new meaning to existing spaces, moving furniture, grabbing a bucket of paint and a brush and getting to work. It is about creating a new way of seeing, a sense of 'this is me!'.

And the physical 'new' home plays an important role in this because it reflects who you are deep down, wants to be, gives space to your potential, gives you strength and offers you peace and protection to recharge. It is the canvas on which to paint your life, sometimes with small, loving details. A healthy breeding ground on which things (and you yourself!) can grow and change.

Every journey is unique, just as each person is unique and so is every home. This makes it so exciting for me to be able to guide people in this!

If you are interested, please contact me at info@balancingwalls.com